Megazone introduced HyperRender solution by participating in Korea Graphics World 2017, an event that shares information and cases in the field of domestic graphics held at Coex in April 27, 2017.
For the 6th event, a variety of expert seminars were held on the theme of computer graphics, VR/AR, connecting and fusing 3D printing and scanning technology. During the morning session, Woo-Geun Jeong, manager of AWS did a presentation on the theme of “Convenient cloud rendering” and introduced Megazone’s HyperRender (HyperRender solution). As a result, we shared the way to save time and money, and we solved, through consultation, many of the wandering and inquiries of visitors with booth management.
We were able to confirm again the utility and necessity of HyperRender in the field of graphics and it is expected to be an opportunity to improve environmental restrictions in the rendering field from now on.